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Unlock Your Potential Overcome Your Obstacles Reach Your Goals
Emmanuelle Poin Du Jour
Jan 22, 20232 min read
Three Simple but Effective Ways to improve the Quality of Your Life in 2023:
Three Simple but Effective Ways to improve the Quality of Your Life in 2023 -Start with Facing your fears...
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Emmanuelle Poin Du Jour
Jan 15, 20232 min read
Knock Knock!!! Looks like You've missed your appointment!!!
Our mindset is like a digital compass. And like for a faulty one, the only way to get back on track is to recalibrate it.
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Emmanuelle Poin Du Jour
Jan 8, 20232 min read
2023 called and wants to know: "ARE WE GOOD???"
The TWO most common reasons why most people will fail to reach their 2023 goals and how they can avoid those mistakes.
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Emmanuelle Poin Du Jour
Nov 20, 20221 min read
Do you believe Success is in your DNA???
Tips on getting your mindset, planning and execution ready for 2023.
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Claudia Box
Oct 30, 20223 min read
Fold that money back into your pocket & Chill!!!
This is the BEST BLACK Friday gift you can offer yourself this year.
188 views7 comments
Emmanuelle Poin Du Jour
Oct 2, 20223 min read
Reach Your Goal by December :-)
We are in O C T O B E R!!! How did this happen? Didn’t we just celebrate the 4th of July? Didn’t the kids just go back to school? October...
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Emmanuelle Poin Du Jour
Sep 11, 20222 min read
Why is Goliath still talking?
Beautiful People, know that there will always be people who will remind you that you don’t belong in the room, that profession, that new...
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Emmanuelle Poin Du Jour
Feb 7, 20223 min read
Nothing changes if Nothing changes
And just like that, January is gone, and we are in the second week of February. But for some of us, it still feels like we are...
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Emmanuelle Poin Du Jour
Aug 30, 20215 min read
I am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!!!
Couple of Sundays ago, I woke up with a feeling of inadequacy. Knowing the damage that negativity could cause in my mind if it sits too...
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Emmanuelle Poin Du Jour
Aug 23, 20214 min read
Don't let my growth offend you!!!
Why does society, men in particular, keep putting limits on a woman's growth? Couple of days ago, I had people over to my house, and me...
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Emmanuelle Poin Du Jour
Aug 9, 20214 min read
Time to Make Money Moves!!!
Nowadays, when people share their dreams with me, after congratulating them and wishing them the best, my next statement is: « What's...
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Emmanuelle Poin Du Jour
Jul 26, 20212 min read
Why some of us need to say "NO" more often!!!
Have you ever heard that statement by Annie Lamott before? "NO is a complete sentence!!!" Meaning you don’t need to provide an...
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